The Most Boring Way to Put a Hero on the “Bad Side” (Inspired by a YouTube Video)

A painting of Lex Luthor with a "Vote Lex 2000" pin standing in front of the American flag, with the text "civil bore?"

Please note: The creator of this video made a follow-up video (DC’s Civil War: Teams & Sides) in which he ends up changing his mind with regards to my main disagreement with his video, as well as tweaking his ideas in other ways. Apparently, other people in the YouTube comments made similar points to the […]

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Quick Update – Crossword Puzzle!

It may seem that I’ve abandoned this site and blog, but I am working on a couple things, and today have a minor but fun update. I recently created a Superman crossword puzzle and have it linked to on the main site in addition to here. I plan on creating more Superman crossword puzzles in […]

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