Recent Superman Comics Quick Thoughts (August 2024)

3 pictures of Superman from recent comic covers: one him flying through the sky, one close-up on his smiling face, and one showing him concerned wearing a black version of his suit

Action Comics #1068

Action Comics #1068 cover, featuring Clark Kent changing into Superman while running next to a train

First story

The artwork is beautiful (especially Superman himself) and the story is well-written and engaging. That said, the story isn’t particularly original, the visuals confused me once or twice, and Superman’s power level seems a bit low (though that could be justified by this story taking place in the past).

Second story

Actually more interesting to me than the first, though the artwork isn’t nearly as good (but still good). I love things that focus on Clark’s life as a reporter and this is a unique plot leveraging Lois’ current status as Editor in Chief. It’s good to see a conflict between Lois and Clark that feels fairly serious while still being in-character for both of them, and I’m very intrigued to see the conclusion, including what’s going on with Atomic Skull.

Batman / Superman: World’s Finest #30

Batman / Superman World's Finest #30 cover, featuring Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman

Fun, dramatic, and heartwarming with gorgeous art. That said, modern single-issue comic stories tend to be pretty simple and this is no exception.

Superman #17

Superman #17 cover, featuring Superman (who's wearing a black version of his suit) and Zatanna in a scary, dark location surrounded by mysterious screaming faces

I love to see Superman angry. Great art too. But as is often the case with modern comics, it doesn’t feel like enough happens. It’s not a chapter of a story, it’s a sliver. But it’s a good sliver.